MySQL backup ignore tables
The script below is to export the database by ignoring specific tables Put the above code...
Learn Linux, Nginx, Apache, MongoDB, MySQL, PHP, Javascript, CSS
The script below is to export the database by ignoring specific tables Put the above code...
On localhost if you don’t have a mail server you can’t send mails using php mail...
Stripe is very popular payment processing system growing in its customers day by day, it has...
Cron is a right solution to take backup of your website database at certain intervals like...
Cron is a task scheduler which can execute a task on certain intervals, you can add...
Magento is yet a powerful opensource e-commerce solution. It allows you create multiple stores inside single...
When I type long commands in bash the text begins overwriting the current line from start,...
PHP has standard zip class “ZipArchive”. Zip files cab be created using that class, but when...
That is why I love linux. Linux gives you fine grain control over your system with...
SSH is a really cool protocol to play with files, you can use scp command to...
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