MongoDB Get only date part of date time in project
To get only date part of date time use either substr i.e Or use $dateToString
Learn Linux, Nginx, Apache, MongoDB, MySQL, PHP, Javascript, CSS
To get only date part of date time use either substr i.e Or use $dateToString
Some time dock starts showing two icons of an app in dock, that is because dock...
Systemd-Boot (gummiboot) Make sure “/boot” is mounted on your efi boot partition i.e /dev/sda1. After installing...
When installing linux along with windows you ll need to add windows boot entry to grub....
If you are booting in EUFI mode you need to install grub in UEFI mode. First, install the...
We have already installed Samba Server to share directories from our PC. Lets install a sambaclient...
Samba facilitates file and printer sharing among Linux and Windows systems. To share contents of linux...
EasyApache4 supports multiple versions of php, if you want to install extensions for specific php version...
Few laptops mostly HP come with default OS as Windows, so they always try to boot...
Default path for wallpapers in pantheon is /usr/share/backgrounds/pantheon but when it is installed as a desktop...
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