Installing wine on arch linux is very simple
just enter following command in terminal
#sudo pacman -S wine wine_gecko wine-mono
wine_gecko and wine-mono are for applications that need support for Internet Explorer and .NET, respectively.
To create a default prefix without running a Windows program or other GUI tool you can use:
$ env WINEPREFIX=~/.customprefix wineboot -u
To have them permanently defined for bash configuration ~/.bashrc do:
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.config/wine/
export WINEARCH=win32
Some applications (e.g. Office 2003/2007) require the MSXML library to parse HTML or XML, in such cases you need to install lib32-libxml2.
$ sudo pacman -S libxml2
$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winetricks -q msxml6 msxml3 vcrun2010 corefonts
Using fonts from a Windows partition
If there is a Windows partition mounted , its fonts can be used by linking to them.
Example, where the Windows partition is as /windows:
# ln -s /windows/Windows/Fonts /usr/share/fonts/WindowsFonts
Then regenerate the fontconfig cache:
# fc-cache
find your windows apps shortcuts in ~/.wine/drive_c/users/your-user-name/Desktop
enjoy folks
does not work, system cant find wine-mono; with octopi it does not work too
just install wine and open some app, if needed it will automatically install wine-mono