Antergos / Arch Linux / Linux / Wireless · July 26, 2018 0

Auto switching wireless profiles in Arch Linux

Please follow steps below to auto switch your wireless network profiles. This is useful when you frequently switch between your wireless networks i.e home and office.

1. Install wpa_actiond, dialog and wpa_supplicant

$ sudo pacman -S wpa_actiond dialog wpa_supplicant

2. Create profile using wifi-menu

$ sudo wifi-menu


It will display a wifi network selection, choose your network and provide password.
Save the profile.

Repeat same with the home, office or other networks.

This will create network profiles in /etc/netctl directory like
wlo1-home wlo1-office based on your network profile names.

3. Set auto start the wifi profiles
Find your network interface in my case it is wlo1
You can find it using

$ ip link

Set auto start wifi profiles

# systemctl enable netctl-auto@wlo1.service

Restart your PC and you ll see the network profile was auto started.